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What You Need to Know About Investing in a Home Alarm System

Home security is an important part of protecting your family and possessions. According to the FBI, burglaries account for more than $3 billion in losses yearly and can have a devastating emotional impact on victims. A home alarm system is one of the most effective ways to deter intruders and safeguard your home from burglary or other threats.

This article will provide information on the different types of systems available, their features and benefits, as well as tips on choosing the right one for your needs. So let’s take a closer look at what you need to know about investing in a home alarm system.

What Are the Different Types of Home Alarm Systems?

There are a few different types of home alarm systems available on the market. Let’s take a look at each type in more detail.

Hardwired Alarm Systems

Hardwired systems are typically the most robust and expensive option. They are connected to your home’s electrical wiring, which requires professional installation. The advantage of hardwired systems is that they have a reliable power source and are not subject to interference from wireless signals.

They work by detecting intruders when they attempt to break in through a window or door by sensing the vibrations caused by the intruder trying to gain entry.

Wireless Alarm Systems

Wireless alarm systems are becoming increasingly popular due to their ease of installation and affordability. They don’t require professional installation, as they use battery-powered sensors that communicate with a control panel wirelessly.

Once the alarm is triggered, the control panel sends a signal via phone landline or cellular connection to the monitoring center. This enables them to respond quickly to any potential danger. These systems have an advantage over hardwired systems in that they can be easily relocated and also offer greater protection against power outages as they are battery-powered.

Monitored Alarm Systems

Monitored alarm systems provide the highest level of security as they are linked directly to a monitoring center. This means that if the alarm is triggered, a trained professional will be contacted and can respond appropriately to the situation.

These systems include features such as 24-hour monitoring and remote access from your smartphone or tablet, so you can check up on your home even when you’re away. They are also equipped with motion detectors, smoke alarms, and other sensors for added protection.

Unmonitored Alarm Systems

Unmonitored alarm systems are a cost-effective way to protect your home from intruders. Once the alarm is triggered, they will sound an audible alert inside and outside of the house to scare off potential thieves.

These systems don’t require any monitoring center or monthly fees, but they require regular maintenance and battery replacements. As these systems are not connected to a monitoring station, you won’t receive any notifications if there is an intruder in your home.

Hybrid Alarm Systems

As its name implies, this system combines wired and wireless components into one complete security package. It generally offers the best of both worlds by providing the protection and reliability of a wired system with the convenience and flexibility offered by wireless technology. However, it’s important to note that this type may cost more than traditional wired or wireless systems due to the additional hardware required for installation.

Features Of Home Alarm Systems

In addition to providing basic burglary prevention, most modern home alarm systems offer a range of features designed to keep you safe from threats both inside and outside your home:

Motion Detectors

Many home alarm systems feature motion detectors that trigger an alert when movement is detected within a certain area in your home, allowing you quickly respond if needed or receive notification if an intruder breaks in while you’re away from home.

Camera Surveillance

Many systems also include camera surveillance that allows you to monitor activity inside or around your property remotely via mobile device or computer so you can take quick action if needed without having to be physically present at all times.

Door/Window Sensors

These sensors detect when doors or windows are opened or closed so you can quickly determine whether someone has entered (or left) your house without your knowledge or consent.

Smart Home Integration

Modern-day alarm system technology has advanced considerably over recent years, with many offering smart home integration capabilities, allowing them to work seamlessly with other devices connected to your network, such as lights, appliances, locks, and access control devices for added convenience.

Emergency Response Services

Some providers offer additional features like emergency response services that provide additional peace of mind by connecting homeowners with police/fire personnel if needed during an alarming situation.

What Are The Benefits Of A Home Alarm System?

A home alarm system can offer several benefits in terms of protecting your family and property. Some of the most popular benefits include:

1.   Discouraging Intruders

Burglars often look for homes that appear vulnerable, so an alarm system could deter them from targeting your property in the first place. In fact, installing a home alarm system can reduce the chances of you becoming a victim of burglary by up to 60%. Even if a burglar does target your property, the alarm will sound, which should scare them away.

2.   Detect Unauthorised Access

Motion sensors and door/window contacts are easily fitted to doors and windows and work by detecting any movement or opening of doors/windows. This can be particularly useful in cases of forced entry, alerting you immediately if someone is trying to gain unauthorised access to your home.

3.   Monitor Your Home Remotely

Many home alarm systems come with remote monitoring capabilities so that you can check in on your property remotely using an app on your smartphone, tablet, or PC. This makes it easier to keep tabs on what’s going on at your property while you’re away. You’ll also be able to check who has been entering and leaving the property, ensuring peace of mind when there are children in the house.

4.   Fire Detection

Many home security systems come with smoke or heat detectors. These devices detect when there is an increase in room temperature or smoke presence in the air, indicating that a fire may have broken out. Upon detection, these detectors then trigger the alarm system, alerting you so you can take action and contact the fire brigade if necessary.

5.   Lower Insurance Premiums

Having an alarm system installed could even help you save money on your home insurance premiums, as insurers often offer discounts for homes with security systems. This could mean that, over time, the cost of installing an alarm system would be offset by the savings made on insurance premiums. Some insurance companies even require homeowners to have certain alarm systems installed before issuing a policy.

6.   Request Medical Assistance

For those who are more vulnerable or elderly, an alarm system can be a lifeline in the event of a medical emergency. Many systems offer panic buttons that will alert a monitoring company if you need urgent medical assistance. Emergency responders will then be sent out to provide medical attention as soon as possible.

7.   Simple Installation

Installation of a home alarm system is relatively simple and can be done quickly in most cases. Many systems come with a wide range of features, allowing you to tailor the system to your needs and budget. Many systems are now wireless, which makes for an even easier installation process since no wires need to be run around the home.

Choosing the Right Home Alarm System for Your Needs

When selecting a system for protecting your home, it’s essential you choose one that meets all safety needs while staying within budget.

Here are some key factors worth considering when making this important decision:

Quality & Reliability

First things first, make sure you select an alarm system made by a reliable manufacturer, so it works when needed most. Doing research online about different providers will help ensure quality standards are met. Additionally, look for certifications such as UL Listed, which indicates compliance with industry standards.

Cost & Maintenance Fees

Home security systems vary greatly in terms of cost and monthly monitoring fees. When shopping around, compare the features offered with different home alarm systems to get a clear idea of what’s included in the price. Some companies may require you to sign up for long-term contracts, which could add up over time, so be sure to read the fine print before signing anything.

Warranty & Guarantee

Look for any warranty and satisfaction guarantee offered by the alarm system provider. Most companies will offer at least one year of coverage on equipment, while some may extend up five years or more. It’s worth asking about any additional guarantee to be sure you’re fully covered if anything goes wrong.

Installation & Setup

When it comes to installing your home alarm system, it is important to ensure that the setup process is as quick and straightforward as possible. Most companies should be able to provide expert installation services to ensure the system is properly installed and working correctly. Make sure you read all of the instructions carefully before attempting to install the system yourself or ask a professional installer if you are unsure about anything.

Closing Thoughts

In summary, investing in a home alarm system can provide security and peace of mind while also potentially lowering insurance premiums. There are many different systems available on the market today that come with various features, so make sure to do your research and choose one that meets the needs of you and your family. Remember to look for quality, cost, warranties, and installation when making your decision. With the right system in place, you can rest easy knowing that your home is secure from potential threats.

Wired In Tech Services is your trusted source for home alarm systems. We offer a wide range of products and services tailored to your individual needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help keep you and your family safe.

What You Need to Know About Investing in a Home Alarm System

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